
lifestyle blogger

Cafe | Flos Cafe

Okay, I know I have been absent for a month because this time I chose not to publish anything as I was having an amazing time with my family. So, there will be no February Favourites (2021) post and I will continue to March Favourites after I publish this one.

Continuing from this post,  this is the 2nd cafe that we went to that day right after we had a memorable Kombucha experience at Hooraywu. Also located in Cheras, takes about 15 minutes away from Hooraywu Cafe, we arrived 20 minutes earlier from our reserve slot timing. Since there was plenty of empty tables, they let us in right away. I am glad they did that because I made a reservation at this cafe for 3PM and I made another reservation for the next cafe at 4PM so the gap is a little.. possible but ridiculously close between each other. But again, I am glad we get to enter early, hence more time to spend in this cafe and we can leave early for the next one to avoid rush hour.


This cafe requires deposit for reservation and the reservation fee is RM30. They will send you a link of a reservation form. You have to fill out everything including order your drinks and desserts in advance, later you can pay the remaining balance at the counter. Submit the form along with the receipt of your deposit payment to them. I kind of like this method because as soon as we sit down, we don't need to order anything and our drinks already being served. But keep in mind that only 4 slots available daily.


30-4-2, Jalan 5/101C, Cheras Business Centre,
56000, Cheras, W.P
Kuala Lumpur

Open Wed to Sun only by reservations
12PM - 6PM

IG: @flos.cafe
The cafe was not that hard to find because it has no sign, but if you refer to the landmark that they send you through DM, then it won't be that hard. The parking was easy to get the moment we got there. It started to pouring but thankfully the cafe's lighting is still on point and bright that I don't need any retouching, not even the slightest. Thanks to the big windows with ample amount of sunlight streaming in. This cafe is so pretty that even every corner of the waiting lounge is Instagrammable too. 



We were welcomed by this little guy the moment we stepped in and it literally made my day. He is super cute and to those who didn't know, I'm a cat person so I love having this cute fur-ball around to grace my photos with its presence. Kind of arrogant but he let me pet him for a while and hold him for a photo. Thank you for being nice to me even just for a mere second.



Just like any other cafes, this cafe has its downside, well for me at least. Sadly this cafe is not very muslim-friendly but I am still glad that they still have an option for me and my friend to order. As you can see, there's no dessert that we can try because almost all of them contains alcohol in it. There's Apple Pecan Quiche but I'm not a fan of Apple or fruity desserts so I say pass to that one. Another reason is because that the dessert was so small but it cost a lot so I refused to waste my money on something that I know I will not enjoy. Ada yang Tqa suka, tapi tak halal pula. Too bad..



Now let's talk about the drink. Like I mentioned in my previous cafe post, my friend is not a coffee-drinker so when I made the reservation, I ordered the only halal, non-coffee drink for her which is the Earl Grey Passion Fruit Tea.

And when I took a sip, my oh my... it was so bitter that I can't handle it. I feel bad for my friend because I ordered that for her and she felt like she had no choice but to finish it. She keeps telling me that she liked it but I know that she LIED because the reason she couldn't drink coffee is because she can't handle bitter taste, but in my opinion, the tea is 100x bitter than coffee. So I know she was not okay. If you wanna know how bitter it is, it's as bitter as a flu medicine. Pahit weh! Terkejut punya pasal, hampir terkeluar balik air tu masa mula-mula minum.

The coffee? It was okay. Nothing to shout about. Taste like a usual latte but I've tasted better and to be honest, you can get better coffee with cheaper price elsewhere but if you don't mind paying for the whole experience, then do visit this place, you won't regret it.



Now the interior. The main reason that I chose to visit this cafe is because of the interior. Every corner of this cafe are very minimal in decoration and Instagrammable I must say. And I like it how how the moment we were seated, the earlier customers got up and leave which makes me so happy because I got the entire place all to ourselves again ⏤ just like the previous cafe. The staff was so friendly that they don't really mind us walking around with our cameras and taking pictures. They don't even mind that I put my coffee anywhere I want to photograph it. They have a corner that they can hide and chill after they done cleaning and serving so the customers are free to do whatever they like. We literally take photos at every nook and cranny of this place.



There's a waiting area outside the cafe that was still inside the premise ⏤ if you understand what I mean. One premise, 2 separated areas. Also I found out that the waiting area is where they hold some of their flower arrangement classes/lessons. And one of my favourite thing about the cafe is that they also selling vintage designer tableware and accessories for a very reasonable price. So, to all my muslim brothers and sisters, if you don't mind what you're going to have and wanted to experience the lovely interior, then you should give this cafe a visit. But if you really care what you're going to have at the same time enjoying the pretty settings, I advised you find other cafes to try.
Thank you for reading. Much love, T.

Listening to:
Perturbator - Sentient (ft. Hayley Williams)
‪ 00:00 ────⊙───────── 05:14‬
‪ ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺‬


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  1. Worth taking pictures. I guess that the main purpose to come here not the foods.

    1. Yes.. hahaha most people came here just for the photos. The food and drinks comes second. I love the interior so much

  2. Awww such a cute little floof baby! This cafe is so freaking nice, Tqa! Lots of natural light, Instagramable and has a super cute receptionist hehe. Might as well come here just to take nice pics haha! xx

    lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. So cute and so sombong haha
      The ample amount of natural light in this place is the main reason why I chose to come here. Every corner is made for the'gram
      Yes, you should come here for the photos huhu food and drinks come second :)

  3. nice & lovely cafe...but sadly, not Muslim-friendly..

    1. Unfortunately kan? I bet the dessert and chocolate drink is going to be scrumptious and delicious but sadly tak dapat nak merasa.

  4. Can I cry? Cuz your photos are too cantik !!!! the angle, the filter and all of it la. I just love it !!!!
    Sometimes I lupe I baca apa sbb asyik sgt tgk gambar. hahahah

    1. Hahaha lupa nak baca. I'm glad that you like the photos. Took me a while to find the right setting because I realised all the photos that I posted before was either blurry or pixelated. I need to reupload them.
      I miss my DSLR and I'm just as happy that my phone works fine with the angle, lighting and etc

    2. yeah I really do. They're amazing. Either way you always have amazing photos, be it using DSLR or phone.😉

    3. hahaha tu lah. Even tho DSLR raw photos is easier to work with but I'm grateful to what I have. Thanks Ray :)

  5. kedai nampak nostalgic gitu....
    first time tau wujud kedai ni...
    tp sebab ada 4 slot je eh... kena buat reservation.. ermm need to think banyak kali berbaloi x nak singgah ehehhe

    1. Betul tu. Kena think through kalau nak lepak sini. Mostly tak halal pula tu. Tqa suggest lepak cafe lain yang interior nya equally nostalgic and pretty with lots of food and drinks to try.

  6. i agree about paying for the experience but such bitter tea? why?? really beautiful pictures you got there and what a treat to get the place for yourselves.

    1. Kan? Terkejut anak tekak rasa pahit dia tu. In my opinion, sangat tak berbaloi especially bila someone tu tak minum kopi, teh tu je lah yang available untuk cuba, lain semua tak halal.

      It was our lucky day I guess ehehe thank you Afifah :)

  7. Replies
    1. It was really nice 👍🏻 thank you :)

  8. Wow sooo awesome this cafe.. classy and antique gitu. Sambil makan sambil selfie

    1. antik kan? I love the vibe as well. Klau halal, hari2 nak lepak minum kopi kat situ :)

  9. like seriously..kenapa cafe tu gila cantikk??

    1. I love the interior so much despite the fact that most of the food and drinks tak halal. But I'm glad to experience it for once haha

  10. Anonymous7:25 PM

    interior lawa betul?? macam kat pinterest
    and bestnya ada catttttt xD kalau i memang tk makanlah kot, sibuk gomool kucing je

    1. omg kita cat person ni, memang rasa nak gomol all the time tapi dia sombong hahaha
      nak pegang agak susah dia asyik bagi side-eye je hahaha
      macam kat pinterest kan? i love the interior. And the furnitures changes frequently too

  11. lawa.. macam cafe kat oversea.. i think the owner do this as a hobby not to get a profit :)

    1. kan? rasa macam kat oversea sebab dia ada Chiangmai and Korean style to it. And tqa memang minat cafe2 yang ada element Chiangmai and Korea ni.
      True, as a hobby kan?

  12. Hi, its nice to be in a cafe. Looks calming and relaxing.

    1. I know right? I just love being in a cafe. Especially if the drink is just as nice as the interior :)

  13. how lucky that my bff lives in cheras. perf excuse for a girly date! (lovin' your outfit by the way.)

    1. Thankfully your girls live in Cheras haha Yes! perfect excuse for girls date! ahh thank you so much, you are the first person to say that because apparently all they ever said that I dressed like a man.

  14. cantik sangat2 lah cafe dia. nowadays trend cafes semua cam ni kan. lama boleh duduk ni. cosy

    1. cantik kan? Tqa pun suka. Cuma kalau dia pelbagaikan lagi menu dan banyakkan lagi choices yang takde alcohol, I would say this would be one of the perfect cafe I've ever been.

  15. Kenapa ya bisa pahit pula 😅. Apa karena biji markisa tuh tergerus, biasanya markisa tak pahit .

    Tapi memang cafe ini cantiiik design interior nya 👍🏿😍. Saya pun suka. Terlepas dari minuman Biasa saja, dan makanan banyak tak bisa makan bagi muslim, okelah kalo hanya mencari kafe nyaman untuk foto kan 😁.

    Saya langsung suka dengan kucingnya, kita sama kak, cat lover sangat sangat 😍😄

    1. Kan? Markisah tidak pahit tapi ini pahit. I was so confuse haha. Yay! We are cat lovers!
      Betul! Kafe ini hanya nyaman untuk foto aja lol 🤣

  16. cantik kafenya....kalau sy kompem ralit duduk sini lama-lama...sembang menyembang smpi x sedar kafe nak tutup hahahaha

    1. Samalah kita.. amik gambar je dah berapa minit, lepak duduk sampai ralit boleh jadi sampai kedai dah tutup.


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